Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today my mom came over and helped me clean! It was wonderful. She did all the things my belly and I couldn't. For example clean the mud off the patio door from the dog, all that squatting wouldn't have worked out at all. She also did our shower, it looks fantastic. I don't think it's been that shiny since we moved in over a year ago.

The little that I did made me tired, my feet are killing me. I don't know how mommies work while pregnant or at least work a job that requires them to be on their feet all day!

Lucy also wore herself out so much that she took a good 2 hour nap. She hasn't napped in probably 2 weeks. She goes to bed at a good time probably 8 or 8:30 then she get ups anywhere between 7 and 8. From what I have read if children sleep 12 hours at night they don't NEED a nap during the day. Since I've been pregnant we have been having quiet time which consists of her playing and me napping.

Let's hope for more good weather!

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