Monday, May 3, 2010

Lyla's Story

Lyla's a month and I am just now sitting down to blog about her arrival!

It all started on Sunday March 28th. I started having contractions every 5 minutes around 2 I had them for a good 2 hours before I called the doctor. He wanted me to go in right away since it was my second baby. At the hospital they put me in the "lets wait and see room" I was progressing slowly but enough that the nurse admitted me. Things went slowly until my doctor broke my water. I had gotten an epideral before hand, I guess he knew it would go quickly so he wanted me to be nice and numb. In an hour and a half I went from 4cm to 10cm. Needless to say my epideral wasn't helping with contraction pain. So it was time to push, I pushed and I pushed and Lyla was facing up. She wasn't moving out like she was supposed to. So after an hour and half of pushing, the doctor tried to vacuum her out and told me that if it didn't work I would HAVE to get a c-section. I was terrified, I didn't want a c-section especially since I had been pushing for so long I wanted to do it myself. But, I knew he was doing what was best for the baby and myself. So he vacuumed her and she wouldn't budge. It was off to the operating room. That was the weirdest experience, as they were wheeling me down the hall I would have painful contractions and the nurse said I could push if it helped. So I did cause they were horrible but it was weird pushing to no result. In the operating room they got her out and the pressure you hear about wasn't bad at all. I was expecting it to be worse. She came at 2:54 am on Monday March 29th. They let me see her immediately and then cleaned her up, got her out and into the nursery. This part was hard, with Lucy I was able to hold her immediately and nurse her as soon as she'd been cleaned up. With Lyla I had to stay and be put back together so I missed out on that experience. They got me into recovery and the a nurse brought Lyla to me to nurse. I wasn't able to move so it was difficult but it was the bonding that I needed to have! I was thankful for that. We finally were all in my room at 5 am. We were all exhausted but doing fine! Lyla ended up being jaundice so she had to go under the lights, but that was the worst that we experienced during our stay at the hospital!
Lyla weighed 7lbs and 9oz and was 20inches long.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today my mom came over and helped me clean! It was wonderful. She did all the things my belly and I couldn't. For example clean the mud off the patio door from the dog, all that squatting wouldn't have worked out at all. She also did our shower, it looks fantastic. I don't think it's been that shiny since we moved in over a year ago.

The little that I did made me tired, my feet are killing me. I don't know how mommies work while pregnant or at least work a job that requires them to be on their feet all day!

Lucy also wore herself out so much that she took a good 2 hour nap. She hasn't napped in probably 2 weeks. She goes to bed at a good time probably 8 or 8:30 then she get ups anywhere between 7 and 8. From what I have read if children sleep 12 hours at night they don't NEED a nap during the day. Since I've been pregnant we have been having quiet time which consists of her playing and me napping.

Let's hope for more good weather!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Lyla Avery is due March 31st. The second time around is definitely different than the first baby. For example. Lyla does have a bed to sleep in and a dresser but she doesn't have her own room. Lucy never slept in her own room so I figured why go to the mess of making up a room when she will sleep in our room for atleast the first couple months anyways. Another difference is I am not nervous actually the opposite I would give anything for labor opposed to the discomforts of the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. I am secretly looking forward to the birth so I can have a mini-vacation. I will be able to stay in a hospital where meals are made for me, they will clean up any messes, and I will have only one baby to take care of at the time! Things are so different with a second pregnancy, at least in my case. Things I never experienced with Lucy I am experiencing this time around. I won't go into detail because not everyone wants to read about the behind the scenes pregnancy woes.

How's Lucy doing with all this? She couldn't be better. She is excited and talks about her baby sister often. Unfortunately, this attitude could all change once the baby is here and things are profoundly different. We've started having date times with daddy, she learned the term when Adam and I went on a date for Valentines day and since then has called their adventures dates. This is nice it gives her one on one daddy time and it gives me time at home, when the baby comes it will be great. It's just so great to have Adam be a great daddy, he loves her so much and appreciates when she chooses him over me! He said the other day that she asked him to go somewhere and he really didn't want to go but she started to tear up and he couldn't say no at that point. He liked knowing that she wanted him to come along!

Well, I think that is all for now. I will post more later, this blog could get very addicting.